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In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of knowing how close your dog can get to an invisible fence. Invisible fences are designed to keep dogs from going past a certain point and out into the yard or neighborhood. The key is making sure they don’t know where that boundary line is so they stay in their own yard! This blog post will cover how far away a dog can be from an invisible fence before it will work.
Many people think that because their dog has never gone out into the neighborhood or left their property then they do not need an invisible fence system installed on their property. However, as time goes by and your pet becomes more comfortable with being off-leash outside of your home, there’s a chance he/she may start wandering away from your compound.
How Close Can a Dog Get to an Invisible Fence?
It’s difficult to say how close a dog can get to an invisible fence, but the range is typically 5-10 feet. This is because electric levels decrease with distance. The closer the dog gets, the greater the electric field strength.
The type of invisible fence system determines the distance. A wireless boundary allows your dog to roam within 5-10 feet, for example. Generally speaking, most invisible fences will provide an effective and safe barrier up to 10 feet before the dog is prompted for a correction. You should also note that invisible fences work best when used with a wireless electric collar and remote which can be set to activate the fence whenever you want.
It’s important to purchase a wireless system as it isn’t necessary or recommended to use cables around your yard (or use wires at all). Once the system is installed, make sure you test how accurate it is by walking through different spots in your backyard– this way you can determine where sensitive points are near the perimeter of your property line.
Since dogs can’t see an electric fence like humans, it’s possible for them to touch the barrier and not realize they’ve triggered it. This creates a safety issue. To avoid these dangers, make sure you install the wire underground where the grass meets soil (not concrete). When your dog approaches close enough, he/she will feel an electrical field that repels him away from the fence line. If there is high vegetation or ground cover near power lines or other sources of interference then it could also cause problems with this type of fencing so be careful when selecting where you want to put the invisible fence.
READ MORE: Does Petsafe wire have to be buried?