Dog Third Eyelid Showing Both Eyes: Causes & Treatment

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Many dog owners may be familiar with the third eyelid, known as the nictitating membrane. This thin layer of tissue is found in the corner of the eye and helps to protect and lubricate the eye.

In some cases, the third eyelid can be seen sticking out from both eyes – a condition known as prolapsed nictitans.

While this may seem like a cause for concern, it is usually just a temporary condition that doesn’t require any treatment. Here’s what you need to know about prolapsed nictitans in dogs.

Why is the dog’s third eyelid showing both eyes?

The third eyelid, medically called the nictitating membrane, helps keep the eye moist and protected. It can be seen in dogs when the eyeball is protruding slightly from the socket or when a dog is feeling stressed or ill.

In some cases, a dog’s third eyelid will show on only one eye and this can be an indication of a health problem.

For example, if the third eyelid is showing on only one eye and that eye is red or inflamed, it could be indicative of an infection such as conjunctivitis.

Other causes of third eyelid protrusion include allergies, corneal ulcers, uveitis (inflammation of the middle layer of the eye), and glaucoma.

Dog’s Third Eyelid Swollen

A dog’s third eyelid can become swollen for a number of reasons, such as an infection, dry eyes, or a foreign body in the eye. If you think your dog’s third eyelid is swollen, it’s best to take him to the veterinarian for an examination.

Dog’s Third Eyelid Swelling Treatment

There are a few different things that could be causing the swelling, and it’s important to get your dog seen by a vet in order to determine the root cause. Some of the possibilities include eye infection, allergies, foreign body in the eye, or cancer.

If it is an infection, your vet will likely prescribe antibiotics to clear it up. If it’s allergies, they may recommend a corticosteroid or antihistamine medication.

If there’s a foreign body in the eye, surgery may be necessary to remove it. And if it’s cancer, treatment will depend on the type and stage of cancer diagnosed.

READ MORE: Can dogs get styes in their eyes?

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