Vitamin E Oil for Dogs: Dosage for Skin, Warts & Dry Nose

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Using vitamin e oil for a dog’s skin is advisable especially if your dog suffers from excessively itchy skin.

Hereunder, I examine and explore the various ways one can use vitamin E capsules or tablets for healthy dogs. Also, I explain the recommended dosage for these vitamin supplements.

Can I Give My Dog Vitamin E Capsules – Is it Safe?

Vitamin E is vital for the canine diet and is mainly available in the various food dogs sold at supermarkets and other retail shops.

Some of the commercially available foods that have vitamin E include plant oils like safflower, olive and hemp, and green leafy vegetables.

Also, vitamin E can be added into the dog meal as supplements or capsules (it is safe) to help increase the level of vitamin E, but, should not be given in excess because it can interfere with the blood clotting activities of platelets.

Is Vitamin E Oil Good for Pregnant Dog’s Skin?

Frequently dogs can suffer from several skin problems that can be caused by allergies, dry skin, and fleas.

During pregnancy, a dog needs a lot of vitamin E to maintain its skin, which is usually vulnerable to numerous skin infections.

Therefore, vitamin E having anti-inflammatory properties assists in reducing skin problems such as itches that can make the pregnant dog uncomfortable and stressed.

Vitamin E for Dogs Tablets, Pills & Capsules

Vitamin E capsules are an antioxidant that is beneficial in stabilizing the muscular tissues of dogs.  The 100 x 100mg capsules can be purchased at VetUk at an affordable price.

vitamin E for dogs
Vitamin E capsules for Dogs on Amazon

The tablet contains natural vitamin E oil, Soya oil 173mg, and Acetate 102mg.

If your dog has skin problems such as dry and itchy skin, you need to consult the veterinarian before giving your dog any vitamin E oil supplements and pills.

Some of the medicines and supplements sold at the stores are not genuine and therefore, purchasing and giving your dogs without consultation might worsen the skin problems of your dog.

Some of the supplements and pills that can be used include the Fish Minis, Omega 3, and Turmeric K9, which contain high levels of vitamin E that are required in nourishing and eliminating the dog’s skin problems.

Proper Dosage of Vitamin E for Dogs

Optimal dosages of vitamin E oil or capsules for dogs vary depending on age, health, and size of the dog.

Quantities between 4,000 and 6, 000 IU in a day do not have any side effects on your dog, but the recommended dosages are 800 and 400 UI per day for large and small dogs respectively.

Vitamin E for Dog’s Dry and Itchy Skin

Can I use vitamin E for a dog’s dry skin? Yes, your dog just like human beings needs to be as comfortable as possible, and that can be attained by ensuring that the dog’s skin is not dry and itchy.

Usually, when a dog’s coat is dry, there is a higher likelihood that it is itchy and that is incredibly annoying for your dog.

Applying vitamin E oil through rubbing on the skin, or by adding it to the food assists, in improving the condition of the skin thereby eliminating the itchiness caused by dry skin.

Benefits & Side Effects of Using Vitamin E in Dogs

While Vitamin E oil or capsules contain several benefits in dogs, it also has some side effects when inappropriately or excessively used as discussed below.

Benefits of Vitamin E for Dogs

Below are the key benefits of giving your dog vitamin E oil:

1. Boosts your dog’s immunity

Vitamin E oil contains antioxidant properties that are important in reducing the free radicals found in a dog’s body. By eliminating the free radicals, it helps in boosting a dog’s immunity.

Also, due to the vitamin E oil’s anti-inflammatory activities, a dog’s immune system is elevated and therefore, protecting the skin from infections that could cause skin problems.

2. Acts as an anti-cancer substance

The excessive interactions of the free radicles with the dog’s cells are likely to cause mutations that translate into cancers.

However, with vitamin E’s antioxidant properties that help in reducing the free radicals, the chances of a dog developing cancer reduce.

Therefore, vitamin E acts as an anti-cancer in lowering cancer development and progression in dogs.

3. Treats the dog’s skin dryness and itchiness

Skin dryness is the leading cause of itchiness in dogs, which makes your dogs be quite irritated. Giving vitamin E oil to your dog helps in moisturizing the dog’s skin and therefore, reducing itchiness.

4. Treats dog warts

Vitamin E oil is an effective remedy for dog warts. Since warts are caused by papillomaviruses, it is most effective if the treatment involves bringing the vitamin E oil into direct contact with the papilloma.

You, therefore, need to take one vitamin E oil capsule, puncture it, then apply the contents directly onto the wart. To be most effective, treatments need to penetrate far enough below the surface of skin or nails that they reach what’s called subungual tissue.

Side Effects of Vitamin E for Dogs

The following is the significant side effects of giving vitamin E oil to your dogs;

#1 Interferes with the platelet’s actions

When you give your dog excessive vitamin E oil, you risk interfering with the blood clotting functionality of platelets. That means that your dog, if injured can take several days to have the wound healed and the bleeding stopped.

#2 Causes allergies

Some dogs when given vitamin E their skin starts to show allergic signs such as swelling, reddening, and increased itching.

Dog Food High in Vitamin E

Most of the dog foods sold in supermarkets and retail stores contain moderate amounts of vitamin E. Veterinaries have cited that excessive vitamin E interferes with blood clotting.

Vitamin E for Dogs
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Therefore, during the manufacturing process, the level of vitamin E oil is measured and foods put in different compartments depending on their levels of vitamin E.

The food can then be given to the dogs considering the recommended dosages.

FAQs on Using Vitamin E for Dogs

The whole idea of giving vitamin e oil or capsules to dogs is still not well understood by some dog keepers. Therefore in this section, I seek to address some of the commonly asked questions in this area.

Can I give my dog human Vitamin E Capsules?

Well, this may or may not be appropriate. Dogs can consume vitamin E in the correct dosages without suffering any harm.

However, human dosages may vary significantly to the recommended daily intake of such vitamins in dogs. Therefore, it is recommended to visit a vet first before giving human vitamin E to your dog.

Dog Vitamin E Overdose – Is it dangerous?

Well, in general, an overdose of anything can be dangerous. However, vitamin E oil overdose in dogs is not necessarily dangerous.

However, if you observe some symptoms pointing toward side effects of an overdose, seek the opinion of a vet right away.

How much vitamin E can I give my dog?

The recommended dosage of vitamin E for dogs varies from one dog to the other because of the size, temperament, activity, and breed. The more active or bigger a dog is, the higher the required dosage. On average, the vet-recommended dosage of vitamin E for dogs is about 500 IU.

However, when fish oil is included, the dosage should be about 400 IU for big and active dog breeds, 300 IU for small dogs, or as recommended by a vet.

READ MORE: Home remedies for blood in dog stool.

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