How Big Does a Maltese Dog Get

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Maltese dogs are an interesting and intelligent tiny dog breed. They are a good companion especially if you have kids or the elderly at home. Unfortunately, not many people can tell when a Maltese dog is fully grown as they always look tiny like pups.

Understanding the Size of a Maltese Dog

Maltese dog size

Maltese dogs can only reach heights of seven to twelve inches and weights of four to eight pounds. They are an ideal size for cuddling on your lap. They belong to the toy or lap dogs category due to their tiny nature.

However, based on their genetics and nutrition, among other factors, Maltese dogs can vary in size. In this post, we will discuss in detail what you can expect with regard to the size of a Maltese dog.

Types of Maltese Dogs

The size of a maltese dog

Maltese dogs, also known as “Roman ladies’ dogs” are a small dog breed that originated in Malta. They are descendants of the Maltese lion dog which was originally bred by ancient Romans and has been around for centuries.

Currently, there are two Maltese dog varieties – the Maltese Terrier and the tiny Maltese. Both varieties are great pet companions for individuals and families that enjoy affection and unconditional love.

History of Maltese Dogs

One of the first known domestic dog breeds is the Maltese, which has been around since prehistoric times. Maltese were historically bred to be companion dogs for European aristocracy and were frequently a charming appearance in homes.

The Maltese, favored for their sweetness and diminutive size, have appeared in a wide range of historical artworks, from paintings to sculptures. They were first brought to North America in the late 1800s, and ever since then, their lovable nature and upbeat energy have made them a well-liked breed.

Their various nicknames, such as the Bichon or Malt’n, attest to how adored they have grown to be throughout time. These adorable little creatures continue to make fantastic family pets that provide joy everywhere they go.

Maltese dog size

The Maltese are a small, delicate breed that has long been favored as a pet. It is a favorite of the rich and famous due to its endearing, self-assured, and steadfast personality.

The dog breed, which is thought to have originated in Malta and eventually spread throughout Europe, is one of the oldest toy breeds. These dogs were once carried by affluent women as a companion and adornment during social functions.

They were bred as lapdogs by nuns and had gained popularity as companions in England by the 1800s. Their long, luxuriant coats grew longer throughout time until they looked more like modern humans. They are still cherished household pets today and bring sweetness, joy, and affection to any home.

Average Size

The average size of a Maltese dog

On average, when at 6 to 9 inches in height and 4 to 8 pounds in weight, a Maltese is considered fully grown. The American Kennel Club (AKC) classifies this miniature Maltese breed as a toy. There will always be exceptions to the rule, just as with any other animal. Depending on their genetics and surroundings, certain Maltese may grow a little bit larger or smaller than average.

Grown Maltese Dogs and Their Size

Maltese dog puppy size

 A fully grown adult Maltese dog is a medium-sized canine that stands at around 9 to 12 inches in height and a 4 to 6-pound weight. These cute little dogs that rarely bark or shed have a luxurious white coats with expressive eyes. This makes them a perfect companion for anyone that doesn’t like a lot of noise and mess.

Although quite active, these little pets are gentle, which explains why a lot of people prefer them to other breeds in the same small breeds category. Besides, these cuties bond fast with their owners. They are also reputed for their loyalty and low grooming needs which makes them perfect for a home where attention is in plenty while also adapting easily to apartment living.

So, if you are looking for a highly devoted, exquisitely beautiful small dog, the Maltese is your best bet.

Growth Stages

For about 8 months, Maltese puppies go through several stages in their development. They then reach full adult size at 12 months of age.

Ensure that you take a keen interest in what you feed your puppies during the 8 months of development as this is where you make or break them. While at it, ensure regular vet visits for checkups to be certain of proper growth and development.

Maltese Dogs as Puppies

Maltese dogs as puppies

Maltese puppies are some of the most delightful and endearing dogs you’ll ever meet. They spot a beautiful, silky coat and sparkling eyes that will entice you. Maltese puppies are affectionate and love being with their human relatives.

Start training them at an early age. They adapt well to different situations when such training is done early on in their life. During the training, use positive reinforcement as they respond well to such rewards for good behavior. When such behavior is reinforced, these tiny dogs become devoted family members and will always be a joy to have during family activities including taking walks or car rides.

Maltese pups are wonderfully loving and affectionate. They like interacting with people of all ages and will cuddle, play, and give kisses all day. Maltese dogs are calm and laid-back as adults, but as puppies, their vivacious personalities surely shine through! These friendly pups quickly become devoted companions and family members who will always be there for you when you need comfort or a friend to play with. They bond closely with their owners and make sure everyone knows just how cute they are with the way they look out at the world with their black button eyes. Due to their small size and minimal exercise requirements, Maltese puppies are great choices for older people who would like companionship without having to take on too much responsibility.

Feeding Habits

feeding habits of maltese dogs

As with any other dog breed, always ensure a balanced diet for your Maltese puppy. Go with reputed puppy foods that are specially formulated for puppies and contain all the needed dietary requirements for proper growth and development.

Further, be keen on the portion sizes that you offer your Maltese puppy. Consult a vet to get the right portion sizes for the pups based on their level of activity and age.

These tiny dogs have big appetites that match their big personalities and unmatched activity level. Ensure a proper diet that provides them with enough nutrition to support their energy levels.

A good meal should have proteins and essential vitamins. Cooked meats served with brown rice or oatmeal and some vegetables are a perfect homemade meal. Occasionally, also ensure you snack the pups with fresh fruit like an apple or a banana. This provides the Maltese puppies with natural sugars and fiber.

If a homemade meal is not your cup of tea, try high-quality dog food that is made specifically for toy breeds like Maltese dogs. This will ensure enough nutrients to fuel your dog’s activities.


To sum it all up, understanding a Maltese dog is very important if you are considering bringing one into your family.

Get to know what to expect in their adult weight and height which may also vary depending on nutrition and genetics. Further, understand how long it takes for the puppy to grow into an adult if well taken care of.

With the information provided in this post, you can rest assured that you will get a happy, healthy, and active puppy as your family companion!

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