Baking Soda Bath for Dogs: Itchy Skin, Paws & Fleas

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Can I use baking soda for dogs? Well, if you wish to know how to go about this, read this post. Is your dog infested with fleas? Does it have itchy skin?

Well, read how you can use the baking soda bath to relieve the infection. I will also touch briefly on the use of baking soda dog deodorizer.

Baking Soda Bath for Dog Fleas

Did you know that you make your own baking soda bath to get rid of fleas? Well, you can save pennies by making one at home using this organic sodium carbonate powder readily available at your home.

Oatmeal baking soda bath system
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While a dog shampoo is meant to wash your pet, it should not clean your wallet to get your dog cleaned. Try this homemade, low-cost, natural dog shampoo that is really proving to eliminate these annoying dog parasites.

Fortunately, with this organic product, you shouldn’t worry about chemicals known to irritate your dog’s allergies or your allergies in scents or shampoos.

So, why should you try a baking soda bath to clean your dog infested with fleas? Here are some of the main benefits you are likely to get:

  1. It naturally kills fleas
  2. Is free from fragrance
  3. Is cheap
  4. Is free from harsh chemicals known to irritate the skin if you are sensitive or allergic to such artificial additives
  5. Rather than cover odors, it neutralizes them up

Baking Soda in Dog Water Bowl

If your dog has a yeast infection, add baking soda to its water bowl to prevent and treat the disease.

For yeast infection, pour one liter of drinking water into the dog’s bowl and add 1/16 teaspoon of Epsom salt for about three days at the maximum.

Do not use the powder for too long since it’s only meant to nip a break out in the bud.

Upon stopping the use of Epsom salt, start adding into the dog’s 1-liter drinking water a teaspoonful of baking soda for about one week maximum. This application is popularly called a crisis dose or break out.

Cut the amount to the normal maintenance dose of one liter of drinking water on the dog’s bowl combined with 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda.

However, in case you notice a fungal element, add the baking soda along with 1/16 teaspoon borax in 1 liter of water.

In extreme and acute situations, mix 1 liter of water with 1/4 teaspoon of borax. You also need to establish the causes of yeast infection in your dog.

Begin feeding it with grain-free feed as your starting point for treatment and prevention of the condition together with other therapies.

Baking Soda Dog Deodorizer

Are you aware that you can use that traditional baking soda in your home as your dog’s deodorizer? If not, then you should try using it to fight dog odors.

Despite the fact that you normally have a bath every day, ASPCA suggests that you should let your dog have a bath once after every three months or more times if possible.

You can give your pet a wet bath each month and during this period, a dry baking soda bath and frequent brushing to not only control odors but also make its coat refreshed.

In fact, this shouldn’t be a bother to you because it’s one way you can let your pet know that you love her or him. Just like it helps to get rid of odors in your refrigerator, it can also absorb and eliminate that doggie smell as well.

To do that, take one cup of baking soda or a half cup depending on the size of your dog. Follow this procedure:

  • Dust the coat of your dog with baking soda, avoiding the powder to get into the dog’s face only.
  • Massage the powder using your hands deep into the fur to the skin. Rub the dust in.
  • Let the baking soda stay for a couple of minutes to absorb the doggie odors and oil.
  • Brush the powder out, leaving the coat of your dog shinier, odor-free, and cleaner than before.
  • No need to rinse the pet, and there is no harm if the dog plays in a puddle or rushes into a pool of water or rain.

Baking Soda for Itchy Dog Paws

Use baking soda to treat your dog’s itchy paws. The dog allergies causing the itch can be removed by a mixture of warm water and baking soda powder in a bucket, leaving your pet’s irritated and inflamed skin soothed.

Dip the feet of your dog in the bucket when coming from outside the pet’s cage and let it stay there for about 2 minutes. Stop the dog from chewing and licking the treated feet area.

This is the best homemade organic anti-itch remedy you have for treating your dog’s condition after trying other artificial medications in vain.

How to Make Dog Shampoo Using Baking Soda

There are several recipes for making dog shampoo using baking soda. You will find a variety of dog shampoo in the agro-vets or stores near you, but you may want to make one for yourself.

Here are the easily available home ingredients and directions you need to make one:


  1. Lemon dish detergent
  2. Organic apple cider vinegar
  3. Pure Aloe Vera
  4. Dog bowl or bottle
  5. Drinking water


  • Mix 2 tablespoons lemon bowl cleansing agent with 1 cup apple cider vinegar.
  • Add into the mixture 2 tablespoons of pure Aloe Vera.
  • Shake the concoction in the bottle well.
  • You have your homemade dog shampoo for immediate use or storage for future use.

Baking Soda Bath Side Effects for Dogs

Although baking soda bath is good for canines, you should be wary of the side effects associated with the excess use of this product.

Here are some of the things you should avoid doing with the dog:

1. Baking Soda Should Not Be Used On Other Dog Ailments:

The only medical benefit this product has on dogs is its application for bee stings. Humans may use this powder for many things including treatment of upset stomach and heartburn.

Serious effects are caused if baking soda is consumed in amounts exceeding the baked treats.

2. Never Brush Your Dog’s Teeth Using Baking Soda

According to, brushing the teeth of your canine friend with this powder may appeal to a good idea because it’s consumed by many humans.

Feeding your dog baking soda can cause a stomach ache and to the extreme side, can be poisonous. You should also know that your dog may resist brushing its teeth in the future if it ingested baking soda that tastes bad to the animal.

Instead, you can brush your dog’s teeth using baby toothpaste because it is safe and tasty to swallow and can help prevent your dog’s teeth from decaying as it grows older.

FAQs on Baking Soda Bath for Dogs

My Dog Ate Baking Soda

Is baking soda safe for dogs to eat? No, it is not recommended to give dogs baking soda. Therefore we can authoritatively state here that baking soda is not safe for ingestion by dogs.

You have an unfortunate combination of your dog and your pantry, particularly if your pet eats baking soda.

Since this natural, ordinary kitchen product is a leavening agent, combining it with heat in the stomach of your dog leads to the release of dangerous gasses known to cause low calcium or potassium, heart failure, muscle spasms, or high sodium.

Baking soda is popular for its neutralizing and cleaning properties. You can use one teaspoonful of this powder to relieve a sour stomach.

You can also use a healthy amount of baking soda to deodorize everything used by your canine. When consumed by humans in a small amount, it’s safe. However, you may be in big trouble if you let your puppy eat it.

Even though it’s a non-toxic product and can be used as your routine toothpaste or your dog’s dry shampoo, if the pet consumes it in large amounts, it may trigger a distressing effect.

What happens if my dog eats baking soda?

If you notice that your dog has consumed this powder, you must immediately call your veterinarian. If not available or accessible, take the dog to the nearest emergency dog clinic.

Alternatively, use this line 888-426-4435 to reach Animal Poison Control for help.

Is baking soda safe for dog’s skin?

Yes, when used in small quantities, baking soda is both safe and beneficial to the dog’s skin. Apart from soothing the skin, baking soda also helps in getting rid of fleas.

Can you put baking soda in the dog’s water?

No, it is not recommended to put baking soda in dog water even if it is for the purpose of helping treat the dog’s upset stomach.

If you wish to treat stomach acidity using a base I would advise you to use baking powder instead of baking soda.

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