Can Dogs Eat Aspartame: How Does it Affect My Dog?

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Aspartame is a sweetener that is sometimes added to food products such as peanut butter. It is 200 times sweeter than sugar, which means it is normally used in very small quantities.

In this article, we seek to answer the question of whether dogs can eat aspartame.

Can Dogs Eat Aspartame?

Yes, dogs can eat aspartame without having serious health issues or complications. What one should note is that aspartame should be given in very small quantities because it is known to cause mild gastrointestinal issues in dogs.

FAQs on Aspartame for Dogs

What does aspartame do to dogs?

Aspartame may cause mild stomach problems in some dogs. It is for this reason that products containing the aspartame sweetener are given to dogs in moderation.

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